Survey shows HR plays key role in employer training efforts
Few dispute the importance of developing a workforce full of well-trained employees. But no matter how carefully workers are recruited and hired, most employers realize not everybody lands in a new job...
View ArticleThe 3 essential areas of supervisor training
by Jason Ritchie It’s imperative that you train your supervisors on key workforce management topics. Here are three compliance areas that should top your training list. Knowing company policy and...
View ArticleQuestioning employees about prescription drugs that could affect performance...
by Joshua W. Solberg Employers often have policies and procedures (frequently included in a drug-testing policy) that require their employees to disclose the lawful use of prescription drugs (i.e., per...
View ArticleEEOC report calls for reboot of employer antiharassment efforts
by Leslie Silverman Over a 15-month period, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) Commissioners Victoria Lipnic and Chai Feldblum led a task force focused on understanding and preventing...
View ArticleResolve to make 2017 better than years past
by Jodi R. Bohr As we put another year is in the books and look toward the promise of a new year, we may make (and hopefully keep) personal resolutions. But as HR professionals, we ought to make...
View ArticleHR has role to play in building better supervisors
When human resources professionals ponder what would make their jobs easier, having effective supervisors is likely high on the list. But what can HR do to help build better supervisors? Author and...
View ArticleMake employee training worth it, not wasteful
by Brad Federman British-Canadian author Elizabeth Thornton once said, “Objective leaders identify their unproductive mental models and tweak them for greater effectiveness.” The same can be said for...
View ArticleUp-to-date handbook a vital tool for onboarding, training, and more
Employees and their supervisors need to know the rules, and handbooks need to communicate that information. But getting the most from a handbook means putting it to work in onboarding new employees,...
View ArticlePromoting from within? Take care to ease transition for new supervisors
It may seem a no-brainer for an employer looking to fill a supervisory position to offer the job to one of the nonsupervisory stars in the organization. Promoting from within can be a smart choice for...
View ArticleTraining done right: Effective communication the key
Good training has always been important in the workplace, but today’s fast-paced and ever-changing world of work makes training more important than ever. Changing technology requires frequent skill...
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